Term 2 Week 6
Principal Update
Welcome to the end of week 6. We have had a busy and exciting couple of weeks at school. Thank you to students and parents for your support in these busy times.
We were fortunate to meet with many families at our parent/teacher meetings held this week. Teachers are always proud of the work that happens in the classroom, and this was a great opportunity for us to share this with families. I encourage you to reach out to teachers as needed throughout the year by emailing them to make an appointment, or contact the office.
Our year 11/12 students completed their Construction White Card this week. This is a mandatory qualification for anyone entering a practical worksite. Ensuring our students hold this qualification positions them well for any future work in the construction industry. An important role of school, especially in the senior school is setting students up for a successful transition to their next pathway. This will be helpful for all students and we thank Helen Fogarty and the Neighbourhood Centre for their support in accessing this training.
The Big Red Truck has been at school for over 2 weeks, with Simone Edbrooke (BRT Teacher) working with our Certificate II Hospitality students during that time. This is important face to face training for our students who study predominantly online for this qualification. It allows them to learn and demonstrate practical skills required for their training. Daniel and Caitlyn also supported at the Long Lunch during the Opera Queensland visit, along with the BRT students from Longreach SHS. We also benefit from having the BRT at school with some great meal options, which the rest of our school can enjoy. We had some great steak sandwiches this visit. Well done to our BRT students and thanks to Ms Edbrooke for visiting Winton and working with our students.
Last year, Campbell & Mandy applied for a grant and opportunity to have Red Dirt Robotics visit our school. We have shared some photos of this on Facebook. Our year 5/6 students enjoyed programming robots and year 7/8/9 students flew some drones around the Shed. This was a really exciting experience for our students, using technology and equipment that we normally wouldn't have access to. We were selected as one of 40 schools to have the opportunity, out of 80 who applied. Thanks to Campbell Evans and Mandy Smith for their work last year in creating this for us.
Term 2 and 3 are really busy for The Arts, with many opportunities for our students to engage in a range of disciplines. There is extensive research on the benefits of The Arts for our young peoples development, and we are pleased to provide some exciting experiences for our students. Recently, our primary students had a workshop with some of the Opera Queensland performers in advance of their community show at the Dustarena. It was so much fun and so heartwarming to see our students from prep to grade 6 participating, laughing, singing and dancing. We also had a show from a theatre group called Shake & Stir, the performance is called the Twits and is based on a well known book. Our years 3-6 students enjoyed a workshop with the performers, and our students from prep to 8 enjoyed watching the show. We are proud to bring opportunities from the city into our rural school, and thanks to St Pat's for your partnership with this.
We are busy finalising arrangements for camps occurring in term 3, this is for seniors and year 5/6. All families of these students have been notified of the dates and approximate costs. If you have any questions please contact school. As more arrangements are finalised, particularly for the 5/6 camp, we will update families.
We also celebrated the littlest people in our community at under 8s day. These youngest kids in our school and community are our future, and it is important that we celebrate them and inspire them. Winton State School were pleased to be able to host the community event this year, and I think all who attended. A big shout out to Amanda Sciascia and Ashlee Brock who coordinated this event for all to enjoy. Thank you also to the range of community members and groups who facilitated activities or provided support with this event.
You may have seen on Facebook that we are hosting an exciting touch footy game between the school (staff and students) and emergency services (police, fire and ambulance). This will be the first event of many like this, and a great opportunity for our whole community to experience some friendly rivalry between these important services. We invite all students and families to attend, there may also be a tug-of-war challenge. There will be a free sausage for afternoon tea, we will kick off at 3pm at the school oval. Bring your chair and cheering voice as our tiny but mighty school looks to take the win on Thursday 6th June.
Well done to Wayde Remfrey for representing North West in Rugby League on the Gold Coast. Wayde had a great tournament and was even named Player of the Match for one his games.
Athletics carnival is Tuesday of week 10. Permission notes are coming home in the next few days, it will be held at the footy field.
Thanks as always for your ongoing support, and commitment to your children's education.
Take care,
Upcoming Calendar Dates
Monday 27th May - Parade @ 2:30pm
Thursday 6th June- Emergency Services vs Winton State School Touch Football Game
Saturday 8th June- Winton Show
Tuesday 18th June- Interschool Athletics Carnival
Every Tuesday- Tuckshop
Wednesday 19th June - P & C General Meeting (6pm in school office)
Friday 21st June- Last Day of Term 2
7/8 Visual Arts
Students are busy painting portraits on canvas. They have been tasked with painting someone special to them and must show their skills in mixing and blending skin tone as well developing a composition that tells a story about their person. It is great to see the effort being made. Students really want to create something they can be proud of.
Senior Visual Arts in Practice
Our Year 12s are showing great skill in painting a landscape inspired by another artist. John and Ez are both doing excellent work. Here is a photo of Ez making amazing progress.
9/10 History
The Year 9s and 10s are enjoying learning about the social structure of Viking society with Miss Whyte. The students let their creative side shine through when making a poster to display their knowledge, even including a journal entry from the perspective of a Viking noble, free person or slave.
Under 8s Day
We are grateful to everyone who came to celebrate Under 8s Day. A special thank you to our amazing emergency services for joining us, your presence made the day even more special and exciting for the children. Thank you again to everyone who contributed to making Under 8s Day such a memorable event!