Term 2, Week 4
Principal update
It is hard to believe it is already the end of week 4, the term is flying by. Term 2 is always busy, and we are certainly seeing that this year. We have had a great start with learning and it is pleasing to see students learning and growing every day. I meet with each teacher individually every term to review the progress of their student, in all subject areas/learning areas. These conversations focus on tracking each student and their progress towards one year learning growth. Based on term 1 evidence our students are tracking exceptionally well. Where there are concerns about a students progress, we are able to plan support for them and inform parents so this is not a surprise for you at reporting time later this term.
I strongly encourage you to attend parent teacher meetings on Wednesday 22nd May. While you may see teachers regularly and have frequent communication with them, this targeted conversation will include seeing work samples and discussing specific learning information. It is more purposeful and deliberate than an 'in passing' chat. Bookings can be made using the following link https://wintonss.schoolzineplus.com/parentteacher22ndmay.
Winton SS has an exciting opportunity to be showcased across the state in the Department of Educations publications. For students to be involved they require a specific consent form to be completed and returned to us, these have been sent home with students this week. I have included a 'how to' guide on Facebook to assist in completing the consent. If you require further assistance please contact the office.
The council are buying every student in Winton a school jumper, flyer is included below. Can you please let either our office or Shai know what size your students require ASAP.
We currently have to students from university completing their professional experience with us. Kirra Whyte is working with Millie Chapman and Jessica Crawford with Tania Bradley. Hosting pre-service teachers is so important to ensure that the profession continues to thrive, and our schools are staffed appropriately. We are grateful for Jess and Kirra's time with us, commitment to providing great learning for our students and supporting our school and community. We have another two placement students coming in term 3, they will be working with Ashlee Brock and Helen Parkin.
We are very close to getting handover of the new science lab being constructed at the front of the school. It is looking great and will be a really exciting facility for our school once we finally get it. We also have a start up meeting next week for the new adventure playground. This has taken a while longer than expected as the pricing increased considerably and we had to source additional funding. This has all been finalised and we expect it to commence very shortly. I will keep everyone updated as this progresses.
Thanks to all who attended our Mother's Day Breakfast this morning. It was a lovely opportunity for us to recognise the important women who support our students. We are grateful for your support and know our students are too. We wish all the mums of Winton, and all significant women who support our young people are wonderful Mother's day on Sunday.
Thanks as always for your ongoing support of students and also our school.
Take care,
Upcoming calendar dates
The Big Red Truck is here for two weeks
Monday 13th May - Parade @ 2:30pm
Tuesday 14th May - Opera Queensland workshop - 10am - 11:00am (Year 1-6 students)
Monday 20th May - Parade @ 2:30pm
Wednesday 22nd May - Year 11/12 White Card training
Friday 24th May - Under 8s Day - 9am-11am
Friday 24th May - Shake & Stir performance and workshop
Cross Country - Aramac
Well done to all students who participated in Central West cross country at Aramac. It was an early start and big day, but the students tried hard and behaved extremely well. We are so proud of their effort on the day. Thanks to Mr Clarke and Mr Bahr for taking the students.
Careers Expo - Longreach
Well done to our senior students who attended the careers expo in Longreach. They looked great in their perfect uniform, were engaged in learning about different careers and pathways. We have already had some follow up from stallholders at the expo with some students. Thanks to Ms Smith and Mrs Smith for taking our students. Our students have the world at their feet, it is exciting for them to explore some of the opportunities available to them. We hope they dream big and feel inspired after this.
Science update
On May 1, the Year 12 Biology class conducted the final part of the Biology field investigation at the Long Waterhole near Winton. A biological survey of flora/vegetation was conducted on a transect/line moving away from the Long Waterhole to define and describe the biodiversity and ecosystem in this area. The photos below is an example of the biology quadrat sample collected during the sample. This is part of their assessment task which requires submission on May 27.
The Year 11/12 Science class conducted an experiment where the lung capacity, heart rate and blood pressure was measured and monitored before and after the students run 50metres on the school oval. There are also some photos of this activity.
Year 6 Shirts
Helen Parkin has been communicating with year 6 families about ordering year 6 shirts. The students have worked hard on the design of these, which can be seen below. Their shirts will also list names on the back. These are only available to year 6 students, but we are excited to share the design with our whole community.
Kindy/Prep Art
This week the children did an awesome art lesson with Ms Christopher. They were investigating colours and mixing different colours. They were given 3 prime colours and had to make a range of different colours. They loved choosing and mixing the colours and working out amounts of each colour to use.
Thanks you Ms Christopher for a great art lesson.