Term 1, week 8 - 15th March
Principal Message
We have had another busy couple of weeks here at school, and I can't believe it is the end of week 8 already. Congratulations to all students who completed NAPLAN testing this week. It is a big undertaking and the students did a great job. We have catch up testing on Monday and will prioritise writing and numeracy, however will endeavour to catch up all missed assessment where students are present to do so.
We have our P& C meeting coming up, next Thursday at 5:15pm at the Winton Hotel. This is the AGM and will include filling of positions. I really encoruage families to be active on the P & C, this is an important voice within our school community.
I will also be seeking feedback from students and families to help inform our planning and decision making across the year. This process will be called Raptors Review. One session each term, all students will provide feedback on a set of identified areas/topics. The same feedback topics will also be distributed to families in a survey for feedback also. These topics will be things that are on our radar for consideration or review, and also identified by our student council as something they think students would like to be heard about. Keep and eye out next for a survey seeking your feedback on three key topics, students will do the same.
Thank you to our early years class for their performance of the Macarena at parade. It was a really fun start to the day, and well done to all students who joined in and had a boogie. We have parade every Friday at 8:50am and welcome families to attend.
We encourage families to be in regular communication with teachers to disucss learning and progress. Can I please ask that you make an appointment time with the relevant teacher if you would like to meet to discussyour students learning journey.
We have been fortunate to receive free child tickets for all our students to attend the Way out West/PBR in the holidays. If you would like your child to have a ticket to this event, please collect from our school office. Tickets must be collected by an adult.
With only two weeks until holidays, we are on the home straight but it is important we finish the term strong. Students may come to completing assessment, however they will be commencing new work and should be busy right up to the break. Attendance is important every day, as is great behaviour. Thanks for your support as we race to the finish line of term 1. This will be our last newsletter for the term.
Take care,
Key Calendar Dates
Monday 18th March - Catch up for missed NAPLAN exams
Thursday 21st March - P & C AGM 5:15pm @ the Winton Hotel
Friday 22nd March - Parade @ 8:50am
Monday 25th March - School Cross Country
Monday 25th March - Thursday 28th March - Certificate II Rural Ops Camp
Thursday 28th March - Last day of term 1
Monday 15th April - First day back for term 2
Prep/1/2 English Assessment
Our Prep, year 1 and year 2 students have been working very hard on their english assessment. They had to write their own procedure for how to make a fruit kebab and then test that their procedure worked. They had to include a pattern in their fruit kebabe and the year 2 students had the added challenge of using different shapes in their pattern. Well done students.
Early years love learning
Our Kindy and Prep stduents enjoy learning outside. They have been painting their names, balancing the scales, recreating insects with items they can find outside, building their fine motor skills with cutting and gluing and tracing their name.
Teachnologies - 3/4/5
Our year 3/4/5 class have been working on making insect models, they have done a great job. Here are some photos of their progress this far. Keep up the great work.
Breakfast Club
We are proud to offer Breakfast Club every morning for all our students (including Kindergarten) at Winton State School. We have inlcuded a menu here for your information.
Year 9/10 HPE - From our students
As part of our 9/10 HPE assessment, we have selected a health issue within our school that impacts our students. One significant issue we've identified is dehydration. 50% of high school students do not bring water bottles to school. Dehydration can lead to difficulties concentrating, slower reaction times, and problems with short-term memory. These effects can lead to lower academic performance and more behavioural issues. It is important that students bring a water bottle to school.
Matilda Ellis, Caitlyn Reed, Abbie Black
The Resilience Project
Update on The Resilience Project - Our journals have arrived and our staff are participating in PD next week. We will be kicking off in term 2 delivering this through our Health and Wellbeing lessons.
From Guidance Officer
Parents play a critical role in their children's education, and their involvement can greatly impact their academic success and overall development. Here are some reasons why parent involvement is important:
Increased academic achievement: Research has shown that students with involved parents tend to have higher grades and test scores, and are more likely to graduate from high school.
Better behaviour and attitudes towards school: Children whose parents are involved in their education are more likely to have positive attitudes towards school, and exhibit better behaviour in the classroom.
Stronger relationships with teachers: When parents are involved in their children's education, they are better able to understand what is happening in the classroom and can work together with teachers to support their child's learning.
Improved communication: Parent involvement can lead to better communication between home and school, ensuring that both parents and teachers are on the same page when it comes to a child's education.
Development of life skills: By being involved in their child's education, parents can help their child develop important life skills such as organization, time management, and responsibility.
Modelling the importance of education: When parents are involved in their children's education, they are setting an example and showing their children that education is a priority and valued.
In conclusion, parent involvement is a crucial factor in a child's education, and has a positive impact on a child's academic achievement, attitudes, relationships, communication skills, and overall development.